Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology, Volume 7, Number 1 December 2010
Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology is an international standard peer review journal published covering the topics relevant to Hydrology and Meteorology. Original manuscript which is not published elsewhere is only accepted for the publication. The original manuscript should be in English and also must follow the guidelines. Papers will be published free of cost.
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Variability and Trends of Summer Monsoon Rainfall over Bangladesh
Pages : 1 - 17
Authors :
M. N. Ahasan1 - SAARC Meteorological Research Centre (SMRC), Agargaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh, E-mail:
Md. A.M. Chowdhary - Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
D. A. Quadir - Department of Physics, Uttara University, Dhanmondi Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Keywords : Rainfall, Variability, Summer Monsoon, ENSO, Trend
Step wise Multi-criteria Performance Evaluation of Rainfall-Runoff Models using WETSPRO
Pages : 18-29
Authors :
PC Shakti, NK Shrestha, P Gurung
Keywords : Rainfall runoff model; SWAT; WETSPRO; Kliene Nete; peak flows; low flows.
Comparison of the Anomaly of Hydrological Analysis Tools used in Nepal
Pages : 30 - 39
Authors :
MK Shrestha, S Chaudhary, RK Maskey, G Rajkarnikar
Keywords : hydrological data; WECS/DHM method; MIP method; ungauged river; MIP (D); MIP (A)
Discharge Measurements In Low Flow Conditions With ADCP Technology – First Experiences In Nepal
Pages : 40 - 48
Authors :
J Merz -Integration environment and enegy, Kathmandu, Nepal, E-mail:
Keywords : Discharge measurement; ADCP; low flow
An application of the HBV model to the Tamor Basin in Eastern Nepal
Pages : 49 - 58
Authors :
S Normand, M Konz - ETH Zurich, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 15, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland, E
J Merz - INTEGRATION environment & energy, Kathmandu, Nepal
Keywords : Tamor Basin
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Drought in Nepal using Standardized Precipitation Index and its Relationship with Climate Indices
Pages : 59-74
Authors :
M. Sigdel & M. Ikeda - Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, N10 W 5, Sapporo Graduate School, Hokkaido 060-0810, Japan
Keywords : Standardized Precipitation Index, Nepal, Principal component analysis, Drought
Assessment of Imja Glacier Lake outburst Flood (GLOF) Risk in Dudh Koshi River Basin using Remote Sensing Techniques
Pages : 75-91
Authors :
Kamal P. Budhathoki, O. R. Bajracharya & B.K.Pokharel - Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Babarmahal, GPO Box 406, Kathmandu, Nepal
Keywords : Glacier lake outburst, remote sensing, risk assessment, hazard potential, empirical parameters, climate change
Preliminary Weather Report of Monsoon Season, 2010 across Nepal
Pages : 92 - 93
Authors :
Climate Section
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
Ministry of Environment
Babarmahal, Kathmandu
Keywords : Preliminary Weather Report; Monsoon Season; 2010; Nepal