Mr. Deepak Paudel is currrenlty holding a position of Managing Director cum Disaster Risk Management Expert at Nature’s Conservation ( in Kathmandu. Mr. Paudel has completed his higher education in multidiscplinary subjects (Master degree in Meteorology from Tribhuvan University (TU), Post Graduate in Hydrology with Watershed Management specilization from IIT Roorkee, India and Master degree in Social Science-Rural Development from TU). Mr. Paudel has 15 years plus experiences in policy formulation, planning & methodology, training facilitation and research works in several sectors especially in Hydro-meteorological hazards-disaster risk management (DRM), Climate Chnage Vulenrability & Adaptation and Watershed Management & Ecosystem Services. He has also worked in Thailand and Shri-Lanka as a trainer of DRM. He volunteerly invovled in different civil social orgaizations and network inclduing Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists- General Secretory (2011 – 2014); Disaster Preparedness Network-Treasurer (2013-2015); and Natural Disaster Management Forum Nepal -Founder Chairperson.