The Members of the Seventh Executive Committee [2017- 2020] are as follows:

Mr. Deepak Paudel is currrenlty holding a position of Managing Director cum Disaster Risk Management Expert at Nature’s Conservation ( in Kathmandu. Mr. Paudel has completed his higher education in multidiscplinary subjects (Master degree in Meteorology from Tribhuvan University (TU), Post Graduate in Hydrology with Watershed Management specilization from IIT Roorkee, India and Master degree in Social Science-Rural Development from TU). Mr. Paudel has 15 years plus experiences in policy formulation, planning & methodology, training facilitation and research works in several sectors especially in Hydro-meteorological hazards-disaster risk management (DRM), Climate Chnage Vulenrability & Adaptation and Watershed Management & Ecosystem Services. He has also worked in Thailand and Shri-Lanka as a trainer of DRM. He volunteerly invovled in different civil social orgaizations and network inclduing Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists- General Secretory (2011 – 2014); Disaster Preparedness Network-Treasurer (2013-2015); and Natural Disaster Management Forum Nepal -Founder Chairperson.

Mr. Bikram Shrestha Zoowa is a Senior Divisional Hydrologist in the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal. He is the chief of Snow, Water Quality and Environment Section of the department. He is in the service of Nepal Government since 2006. He has completed M.Sc. degree in Water Science and Engineering from UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands. He also holds additional Masters degree in Business Studies and in Meteorology from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has skill in hydrological and hydraulic modelling as well as hydrological data processing work. He has attended number of workshops and seminars in USA, Russia, China and Bhutan.

Mr. Binod Parajuli is currently working as a Hydrologist at the Flood Forecasting Section of the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu. He is a young hydrology analyst in Nepal. Mr. Parajuli has more than5 years’ experience in hydrological data processing, analysis and forecasting with special contribution in hydrological data publication and flood forecasting. Mr. Parajuli is Master Trainer of Trainees on Flood Early Warning System particularly the community based early warning system (CBEWS) in Nepal. Mr. Parajuli has given many technical presentations on Flood Early Warning System. He also publishes articles in local newspaper for societal benefits. Mr. Parajuli holds Master’s degree in Meteorology from Tribhuvan University with specialization in Water Resources Development and Planning.

Mr. Dinkar Kayastha is currently working as a Hydrologist at the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu. He has been in the service of Nepal Government since 2010. Before joining Government service he was involved in teaching hydro-meteorology in different institutions including Tri-Chandra and KITS college. He has completed Master’s degree in Meteorology from Tribhuvan University with specialization in Water Resources Development and Planning. He has also done different short courses related to Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Management and Hydrological and Hydraulic modelling from different institutions and countries including IPROMO-Italy, RIMES-Thailand, IIT Roorkee, India etc.

Mr. Madhav Dhakal is working at International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) as a Hydrologist. He has a background in hydrometeorology and water resource management. He has more than 15 years of experience in the field of hydro-meteorology, watershed management, spring shed management and soil & water conservation. He has published more 40 publications (research papers, book chapters and manuals/resource books) in the field of watershed management spring shed management, hydro-meteorology, and soil – water conservation and management, participatory on farm action research.
He is currently working as a focal person for the Support to Rural Livelihoods and Climate Change Adaptation in the Himalayas (Himalica) Programme in Myanmar and as a Component Lead for the Agricultural Water, Energy and Hazard Management project in the Upper Indus Basin (UIB), Pakistan.

Mr. Rajesh Sigdel is a faculty of Institute of Forestry, working as Forest Hydrologist. He has completed Master degree in Hydrology and Meteorology from Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology. He has been involved in research work on Agro-Meteorology, Hydrology, and Climate Change. Before joining University he has worked on private consultancy firm as Hydro-Meteorologist. Mr. Sigdel continuously involved in assisting the community on Disaster Resilience and smart climatic strategic plan for different Ministries.

Mr. Dhruba Lochan Adhikari is working as a Lecturer in Tri-Chandra Campus, Kathmandu in part time basis. He has completed Master degree in Hydrology and Meteorology from Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has done Post Graduate Course in Satellite Meteorology and Global Climate from Ahmedabad, India. He was involved in research work on Climatology of South Asia – Inter annual Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon using Community Atmosphere Model (0.5 * 0.5) (CAM) developed by NCAR. His research works are focused on various activities in Hydrology and Meteorology such as preparation of Hazard Maps, Agro-meteorology as well on disaster resilience program. He has worked several years as a Hydro-Meteorologist and also as a Project Management Officer. Mr. Adhikari has experience in conference management, training facilitation, planning, research works and has been involved in activities of Early Warning System. He has voluntarily involved in different civil organizations including Climate Change Coalition-3C Nepal, Himalayan Alliance for Climate Change (HimCCA) and Asian Dendrochronological Association.

Ms. Manju Basi is currently working as a Meteorologist at the Meteorological Forecasting Division of the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu. She is in the service of Nepal Government since 2013. She is a young Weather forecaster in Nepal. Ms. Basi has experience in Meteorological data processing, analysis and with special contribution in Meteorological data publication. Ms. Basi holds Master’s degree in Meteorology from Tri-bhuvan University.

Dr. Chaulagain is an energy economist and climate change expert with more than 20 years of experiences in climate change, renewable energy and energy efficiency working with international and national agencies, governmental and non-governmental sectors, private companies, academic institutions and civil society organizations. He has also provided technical assistance to the national/sub-national government in policy formulation, development planning. Besides, he has direct field-level experiences in planning and implementation of renewable energy programmes. Academically, Dr. Chaulagain holds a PhD in Energy Economics with specialization in climate change impacts on Nepal’s water resources; MSc in Energy Systems and Management; and MSc in Hydropower Engineering.

Dr. Dilip Kumar Gautam is a disaster risk reduction expert with specialisation in flood forecasting and warning systems. Dr. Gautam holds Doctor of Engineering Science degree in Hydroinformatics from Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Germany, MSc from Delft and BSc in Civil Engineering from BUET, Dhaka. Dr. Gautam has 24 years of experience working mostly in South and Southeast Asia, with national and international organizations, local authorities and donor agencies in the field of hydrometry, flood risk analysis and mapping, telemetry system for real time data acquisition, flood forecasting and early warning system, hydrologic/ hydraulic modeling and application of GIS in integrated water resources management.
Dr. Gautam worked for 20 years at the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology in Nepal as a Senior Hydrologist and 4 years at Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES) in Bangkok as a Team Leader of Hydrology. As a Team Leader of Hydrology at RIMES, Dr. Gautam developed hydrologic/ hydrodynamic model for flood forecasting and warning in the South Asian and Pacific region and conducted training courses on flood forecasting. His professional interest and expertise is in developing web-based telemetry system for flood monitoring, long-lead flood forecasting models by integrating numerical weather prediction and community based forecast dissemination, preparedness and response mechanism.Since September 2016, Dr. Gautam is working with Practical Action Consulting South Asia as a Senior Consultant on Disaster Risk Reduction.