Annual Mountain EVO meeting, Pokhara (Nov 17-19, 2015)

SOHAM Nepal with support from Imperial College, UK organized Annual Mountain EVO meeting in Pokhara during November 17-19 , 2015.

The internal project meeting was held on November 17 and 18, 2015 in Pokhara. Eleven delegates from abroad and nine local experts engaged in the Mountain EVO project in Peru, Kirghistan, Ethiopia and Nepal case study along with Mountain EVO principle investigator Dr. Wouter  Joris  Lieven Buytaert actively participated in the meeting. The meeting offered an opportunity to interact/hold dialogues among all project partners. The meeting reviewed the Mountain EVO project activities implemented in Peru, Kirgizstan, Ethiopia and Nepal and also provided guidance on how to develop a better understanding of the ecosystem services using high quality and cutting edge data gathering techniques. The meeting  also discussed on how to use such new knowledge into local decision making process, so that the research can help in better management of ecosystems and may contribute to poverty alleviation.

A workshop was also organized in Pokhara on November 19, 2015. Eleven delegates from abroad, fourteen local experts representing the Mountain EVO Nepal case study team, co-partners and major stakeholders took part in the programme.

Field activities were also conducted in Jomsom prior to the meeting in Pokhara. All international delegates participated in the field activities during 14-16 November, 2015. Dr. Wouter and two delegates also visited the recently establish Chhoser Automatic Weather Station (AWS) under Mountain EVO project. A stakeholders meeting was also organized in Jomsom. Twenty six local participants representing  various government and non-governmental organizations took part in the programme.

SOHAM-Nepal with support from Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), District Development Committee (DDC), Mustang, International Hydrological Programme-Nepal (IHP-Nepal) and lead by Imperial College, UK is implementing a three year’s project on “Adaptive Governance of Mountain Ecosystem services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) enabled by Environmental Virtual Observatories (Mountain EVO-Nepal)” in Nepal. Similar project is also implementing in Peru, Kirgizstan, and Ethiopia as well.