Elected (uncontested) name list of 7th Executive Committee (October 13, 2017)
The election committee-2074 declared the elected (uncontested) name list of 7th executive committee SOHAM-Nepal.
Please download the circular released by election committee-2074 and Elected name list of 7th EC_SOHAM
Elected (uncontested) name list of 7th Executive Committee
Chairperson: Mr. Deepak Aryal
Vice Chairperson: Mr. Deepak Paudel
General Secretary: Mr. Bikram Shrestha Zoowa
Secretary: Mr. Binod Parajuli
Treasurer: Mr. Dinkar Kayastha
Mr. Prakash Regmi
Mr. Ghana Shyam Gautam
Mr. Madhav Prasad Dhakal
Mr. Rajesh Sigdel
Mr. Dhruba Lochan Adhikari
Ms. Manju Basi
Please visit www.soham.org.np/election-2017 for more information.